Umbrella template ver 1.4.1 Download all templates for free: **************************************** Umbrella Template SETTINGS Icons repository: You have change each default setting from list below. Write you new settings in the settings.xml file. Description: ver1.5.0 * global_maxpixelzoom NUMBER maxpixelzoom to all panoramas in the project * global_fovmax NUMBER fovmax to all panoramas in the project * global_fovmin NUMBER fovmin to all panoramas in the project ver1.4 * poi_to_pano_style popup to new scene style (normal or circle) - 'normal' is default * open_panoindex_onstart BOOL open the panoram index for the start of the project - false is default * hide_navipanel_onstart BOOL hide the navigation panel for the start of the project - false is default * vertical_y_bottom_menu_open_ico NUMBER distance from the bottom for menu icon ver1.3 * show_fullscreen_btn BOOL - show/hide popup to panorama in the VR mode * show_fullscreen_ico fullscreen icon * show_navi_ico show navi component icon * poi_photo_zoom BOOL - scroll zoom for a photo POI * poi_photo_max_scale_zoom NUMBER - max scale for zoom a photo POI * poi_photo_min_scale_zoom NUMBER - min scale for zoom a photo POI * topleft_padding_y_button NUMBER - padding for a lefttop icons * krpano_ver_is_pr13_min BOOL - if true then POI txt is apper in VR mode * vr_poi_png_name name POI graphic * vr_txt_width NUMBER - max width for txt POI in VR mode * vr_txt_bgroundedge NUMBER - bgroundedge for txt POI in VR mode * vr_txt_bgshadow bgshadow for txt POI in VR mode * vr_txt_oversampling oversampling for txt POI in VR mode * vr_photo_width NUMBER - max width for photo POI in VR mode * title_on_top_bgalpha NUMBER - bgalpha for a title module * title_on_top_txtshadow txtshadow for a title module * title_on_css_font_size.normal NUMBER - font size for a title module (PC and tablet) * NUMBER - font size for a title module (mobile) * category_name_tab_active BOOL - if true then tabs open a first panorama in tab category * index_bgalpha NUMBER - bgalpha for a panorama index module * index_bgroundedge NUMBER - bgroundedge for a panorama index module * index_bgshadow bgshadow for a panorama index module * index_category_tab_bgalpha NUMBER - bgalpha for a category name in the panorama index module * navi_bgalpha NUMBER - bgalpha for a navigation module * navi_bgshadow bgshadow for a navigation module * favorite_module_is_active BOOL - if true then favorite icons are active and visible ver1.2 * poi_hide_popup_to_pano_vt: BOOL - show/hide popup to panorama in the VR mode * poi_hide_popup_to_pano_normal: BOOL - show/hide popup to panorama in the normal mode * poi_txt_maxwidth: NUMBER - max width for the info POI (for desktop and tablet) * poi_txt_maxheight: NUMBER - max height for the info POI (for desktop and tablet) * menu_open_ico: main menu icon * font_family_global: global font family name (this font is set in the index.html file - head section) * vr_ico: VRmode icon * index_ico: Index icon * share_ico: share icon * autotour_ico: autotour icon * snapshot_ico: snapshot icon * gyro_ico: gyro icon * stickers_ico: Stickers icon * help_ico: help icon * navi_ico: navigation icon * floorplans_ico: floorplan icon * googlemaps_ico: Googlemaps icon * hide_title_on_top: BOOL - show/hide title on top * hide_tooltip: BOOL - show/hide tooltip with scene name * autotour_isset_to: BOOL - onstart autototour is run * autotour_speed_isset_to: NUMBER - autorotate speed * run_gyro_onstart: BOOL - onstart gyro is run * mobile_logo_width: NUMBER (in the pixels) * audio2d_volume: NUMBER - main value of the lector audio * audio2d_loop: BOOL - loop lector audio * infobox_ico: info popup switcher icon * NUMBER - thumb size no mobile * NUMBER - thumb size mobile * show_plan_ico: floorplan icon * show_map_ico: map icon * show_info_ico: panorama info icon * show_history_ico: history icon * show_favorite_ico: favorite icon * navi_window_width_no_mobile: NUMBER - width of the navigation window in a pixels * navi_window_height_no_mobile: NUMBER - height of the navigation window in a pixels * map_zoom: 'auto' - shows all map markers/ZOOM NUMBER * map_new_styles_list: !!! New map styles - night_mode|dark_mode|blue_mode|silver_mode|light_mode|retro_mode -> you can use all or single * map_new_styles_names: Night|Dark|Blue|Silver|Light|Retro -> use you own names for a new map styles (set a new names or set FALSE) * map_activestyle: rum a map with the new map style (set the new style or set FALSE) * poi_size: NUMBER - POI size - use one or two walue separated '|' eg: poi_size="45" (POI width and POI height = 45) or poi_size="45|65" (POI width=45 and POI height=65) * poi_css_size: NUMBER - POI font size * poi_roundedge: NUMBER - roundedge POI (exept POI to new scene) * poi_panorama_roundedge: NUMBER - roundedge POI to new scene * poi_flip_color: BOOL - POI font color and POI background color switcher * poi_panorama_color: scene POI background color * poi_panorama_ico: scene POI icon * poi_info_color: info POI background color * poi_info_ico: info POI icon * poi_photo_color: photo POI background color * poi_photo_ico: photo POI icon * poi_audio_color: play audio POI background color * poi_audio_ico: play audio POI icon * poi_popup_color: www popup POI background color * poi_popup_ico: www popup POI icon * poi_youtube_color: youtube video POI background color * poi_youtube_ico: youtube video POI icon * radar_dragable: BOOL - set 'true' if you want dragable radar * radar_size: NUMBER (in the pixels) * radar_zoomwithmap: BOOL (true/false) * radar_alpha: NUMBER (0-1) * radar_fillcolor: default 'structure.primary_color' * radar_fillalpha: NUMBER (0-1) default - 1 * radar_linewidth: NUMBER (0-1) default - 1 * radar_linecolor: default 'structure.poi_color' * radar_linealpha: NUMBER (0-1) default - 0.5 * fp_marker_size: NUMBER - size of the floorplans marker (px) * fp_marker_active_color: a color for active marker * fp_marker_normal_bgborder: a bgborder color for no active marker * fp_marker_active_bgborder: a bgborder color for active marker